Making Memories Project - Nominate Someone!

December 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Recently, while checking out another photographer's work...yes, I not only love making beautiful portraits, but also love looking at other photographer's work - even if I don't know the subjects of the photos...back to story... I noticed a page that had been set up aside from their normal photography page that didn't have much activity on it. Once I realized what the page was, I couldn't believe that there wasn't far more activity on it! This page was set up as a labor of love for her grandmother who had passed. In the description, she noted that she would be taking free photos of families with terminally ill family members. There wasn't much more information.

This tugged on my heartstrings because my mom passed when I was young from an incurable "virus," that thankfully, now has a cure!! So, while I have a few pictures of my mom, I don't have nearly as many as I wish I did. So, you can see why I LOVE this idea!

BTW check out how beautiful my mom was and how handsome my dad is! :) 

Trust me, I realize that having your pictures done professionally is a luxury expense and not something that everyone can afford to do on a regular basis, especially if you are dealing with extra medical expenses. That is why I will be starting my own version of this project - The Making Memories Project.

I will be committing to photograph one person/family a month who has an immediate family member with a terminal illness. I am asking that you nominate a person/family you know who would appreciate this gift. The person/family chosen will receive the same full-service my regular clients do! We will meet for a consultation to talk about what they have envisioned, answer any questions they may have, show them some of the beautiful products they will be able to choose from,  a one-hour  on-location photo shoot, all watermarked social media images from their session, an in-person viewing session of all of their photos, and a special gift from me.

While I would love to be able to extend this offer to everyone, the nominee must be able to meet within 90 minutes of Atlanta for their photo shoot. 

Since I love for people to have physical items to hold onto and pass down - not just a file on a hard drive, that might disappear with a computer crash - I will be asking the person(s) who nominated them to make a small donation(as little as $5!) to go towards heirloom quality products the nominee may want to purchase at a highly discounted price; I will not be taking a profit, I truly just want them to have something nice. I will be setting up a monthly GoFundMe for the nominee chosen, for donations to be made through, and to be able to share with my followers/friends as wells as yours. Any monies that are left over after their order will be donated in their name to the charity of their choosing. To be clear, nominees will NOT be chosen dependent on how much you plan to donate to their fund, as I will not even begin to ask for donations until after they have been chosen.

At the end of the month I will go through nominees for the next month, and notify the person/family that has been chosen by the first of the month. Being we are only a little more than a week out from the first of January, I would love to be able to notify someone on 1/1/17 and start their year off on a high note. Edit: Alright, we are now in January and we are still searching for someone. Please nominate/share.

Also, if the person/family you nominate does not get chosen in the month you nominated them, they will continue to be put back into the list of nominees for future months!

Don't know anyone who fits this? Lucky you! Please still do us a HUGE favor and share this post with your friends and family - you never know who THEY might know! 

Lastly, people who you might be considering nominating may think of this as "charity" and not want to participate if you talk to them about it before you nominate them. However, I think it might come across better if I contact them if they are chosen for the month after they are nominated. They can of course tell me they do not want to do it, but I have a feeling that once they know what they will be getting for free, and the memories they will be making with their friends/family they won't want to say no. If you want to chat with them before-hand, by all means, do so.

Please use the link below to nominate your friend or family!

Click Here To Nominate! 


Click Here to Ask us a Question



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